Player Info

Personal information

User: siniStar
Team: Dracula's court
Real Name: not set
Age: not set
Gender: male
Location: Texas
Email Address:
Class: AntiSocial
Level: 24
Next level: 0 days, 01:52:19
Status: Offline
Host: siniSter!sinistar@IRC4Fun/staff/siniStar
Account Created: Thu Oct 21 17:27:34 2021
Last login: Wed Sep 4 04:57:00 2024
Total time idled: 950 days, 22:16:55
Current position: [432,167]
Alignment: Evil/Undead
XML: [link]

Gold: 805
Bank: 0
Power Potions: 0
Luck Potions: 0
siniStar Has Hero?: No
Hero Level: 0
siniStar Has Engineer?: No
Engineer Level: 0


Show map


Amulet: 20
Boots: 15
Charm: 17
Gloves: 12 [Shiny Gloves]
Helm: 51 [Sparkling Helm]
Leggings: 15
Ring: 15
Shield: 24
Tunic: 24
Weapon: 4

Sum: 197

Penalties & Battles

Battles Won: 45
Battles Lost: 59
Total Battle Time Removed: 0 days, 05:06:42
Total Battle Time Added: 0 days, 03:17:12
Manual FIGHT commands used (out of 5): 0
BET commands used (out of 5): 0

Kick: None
Logout: None
Mesg: None
Nick: None
Part: None
Quest: None
Quit: None

Total: None

Character Modifiers

spacer [09/02/24 15:16:36.500] MaxBerN [1/1] has challenged siniStar [0/0] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:00:48 is removed from MaxBerN's clock. MaxBerN reaches level 2 in 0 days, 00:10:48.
[09/02/24 15:16:37.860] punks [1/1] has challenged siniStar [0/0] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:00:48 is removed from punks's clock. punks reaches level 2 in 0 days, 00:10:48.
[09/02/24 15:16:37.886] siniStar, AntiSocial, has attained level 1! He reaches level 2 in 0 days, 00:11:36.
[09/02/24 15:16:37.886] siniStar found a level 1 weapon! His current weapon was level 0, so it seems Luck is with him!
[09/02/24 15:16:37.894] siniStar [0/0] has challenged HappySiblings [1/1] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:00:48 is added to siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 2 in 0 days, 00:12:24.
[09/02/24 15:16:37.895] siniStar [0/0] has been set upon by a Bat [1/1] and lost! 0 days, 00:01:06 is added to siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 2 in 0 days, 00:13:30.
[09/02/24 15:26:07.002] gerandong [2/2] has challenged siniStar [0/0] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:00:56 is removed from gerandong's clock. gerandong reaches level 3 in 0 days, 00:12:31.
[09/02/24 15:30:05.524] siniStar, AntiSocial, has attained level 2! He reaches level 3 in 0 days, 00:13:27.
[09/02/24 15:30:05.525] siniStar found a level 1 leggings! His current leggings was level 0, so it seems Luck is with him!
[09/02/24 15:30:05.535] siniStar [1/1] has challenged Mugger [2/2] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:00:56 is added to siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 3 in 0 days, 00:14:23.
[09/02/24 15:30:05.537] siniStar [1/1] has been set upon by a Bat [1/1] and won! 0 days, 00:03:09 is removed from siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 3 in 0 days, 00:11:14.
[09/02/24 15:37:10.361] evo [3/4] has challenged siniStar [1/1] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:01:05 is removed from evo's clock. evo reaches level 4 in 0 days, 00:14:31.
[09/02/24 15:38:19.046] krshk [4/4] has challenged siniStar [1/1] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:01:05 is removed from krshk's clock. krshk reaches level 4 in 0 days, 00:14:31.
[09/02/24 15:41:19.975] siniStar, AntiSocial, has attained level 3! He reaches level 4 in 0 days, 00:15:36.
[09/02/24 15:41:19.976] siniStar found a level 2 ring! His current ring was level 0, so it seems Luck is with him!
[09/02/24 15:41:19.986] siniStar [1/3] has challenged Barbaaata [1/4] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:01:05 is removed from siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 4 in 0 days, 00:14:31.
[09/02/24 15:41:19.987] siniStar [2/3] has been set upon by a Toad [3/3] and lost! 0 days, 00:01:18 is added to siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 4 in 0 days, 00:15:49.
[09/02/24 15:50:40.980] Lae [6/7] has challenged siniStar [1/3] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:01:16 is removed from Lae's clock. Lae reaches level 5 in 0 days, 00:16:50.
[09/02/24 15:57:09.869] siniStar, AntiSocial, has attained level 4! He reaches level 5 in 0 days, 00:18:06.
[09/02/24 15:57:09.870] siniStar found a level 2 boots! His current boots was level 0, so it seems Luck is with him!
[09/02/24 15:57:09.879] siniStar [2/5] has challenged Randy [5/5] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:01:16 is added to siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 5 in 0 days, 00:19:22.
[09/02/24 15:57:09.881] siniStar [5/5] has been set upon by a Rat [4/5] and won! 0 days, 00:02:19 is removed from siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 5 in 0 days, 00:17:03.
[09/02/24 16:14:14.757] siniStar, AntiSocial, has attained level 5! He reaches level 6 in 0 days, 00:21:00.
[09/02/24 16:14:14.757] siniStar found a level 3 amulet! His current amulet was level 0, so it seems Luck is with him!
[09/02/24 16:14:14.768] siniStar [6/8] has challenged macrocrab [5/11] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:01:28 is removed from siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 6 in 0 days, 00:19:32.
[09/02/24 16:14:14.770] siniStar [4/8] has been set upon by a Rat [3/7] and won! 0 days, 00:02:20 is removed from siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 6 in 0 days, 00:17:12.
[09/02/24 16:27:44.239] kuntilanak [11/13] has challenged siniStar [2/8] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:01:42 is removed from kuntilanak's clock. kuntilanak reaches level 7 in 0 days, 00:22:39.
[09/02/24 16:29:19.143] Ayselll [4/15] has challenged siniStar [6/8] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:01:42 is added to Ayselll's clock. Ayselll reaches level 7 in 0 days, 00:26:03.
[09/02/24 16:31:27.259] siniStar, AntiSocial, has attained level 6! He reaches level 7 in 0 days, 00:24:21.
[09/02/24 16:31:27.261] siniStar found a level 5 boots! His current boots was level 2, so it seems Luck is with him!
[09/02/24 16:31:27.271] siniStar [8/10] has challenged Pirchxxx [3/13] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:01:42 is removed from siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 7 in 0 days, 00:22:39.
[09/02/24 16:31:27.274] siniStar [4/10] has been set upon by a Neogi Spawn [2/16] and won! 0 days, 00:04:58 is removed from siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 7 in 0 days, 00:17:41.
[09/02/24 16:49:10.712] siniStar, AntiSocial, has attained level 7! He reaches level 8 in 0 days, 00:28:15.
[09/02/24 16:49:10.713] siniStar found a level 3 ring! His current ring was level 2, so it seems Luck is with him!
[09/02/24 16:49:10.724] siniStar [3/11] has challenged Induu [11/13] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:01:58 is added to siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 8 in 0 days, 00:30:13.
[09/02/24 16:49:10.726] siniStar [1/11] has been set upon by a Raven [3/12] and lost! 0 days, 00:02:43 is added to siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 8 in 0 days, 00:32:56.
[09/02/24 16:49:56.171] Dagohoy [6/17] has challenged siniStar [7/11] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:01:42 is added to Dagohoy's clock. Dagohoy reaches level 7 in 0 days, 00:26:03.
[09/02/24 16:52:40.065] MaxBerN [2/17] has challenged siniStar [1/11] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:01:58 is removed from MaxBerN's clock. MaxBerN reaches level 8 in 0 days, 00:26:17.
[09/02/24 17:20:57.450] dwils [2/31] has challenged siniStar [7/11] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:02:17 is added to dwils's clock. dwils reaches level 9 in 0 days, 00:35:04.
[09/02/24 17:22:07.651] siniStar, AntiSocial, has attained level 8! He reaches level 9 in 0 days, 00:32:47.
[09/02/24 17:22:07.652] siniStar found a level 5 shield! His current shield was level 0, so it seems Luck is with him!
[09/02/24 17:22:07.662] siniStar [4/16] has challenged brimstone [6/16] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:02:17 is added to siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 9 in 0 days, 00:35:04.
[09/02/24 17:22:07.663] siniStar [2/16] has been set upon by a Rat [7/7] and lost! 0 days, 00:03:30 is added to siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 9 in 0 days, 00:38:34.
[09/02/24 17:26:01.649] _Aine_ [13/17] has challenged siniStar [1/16] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:02:17 is removed from _Aine_'s clock. _Aine_ reaches level 9 in 0 days, 00:30:30.
[09/02/24 17:52:33.170] Lua [3/19] has challenged siniStar [8/16] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:02:39 is added to Lua's clock. Lua reaches level 10 in 0 days, 00:40:40.
[09/02/24 17:57:43.749] [N]eoma [26/31] has challenged siniStar [2/16] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:02:39 is removed from [N]eoma's clock. [N]eoma reaches level 10 in 0 days, 00:35:22.
[09/02/24 18:00:43.379] siniStar, AntiSocial, has attained level 9! He reaches level 10 in 0 days, 00:38:01.
[09/02/24 18:00:43.380] siniStar found a level 7 helm! His current helm was level 0, so it seems Luck is with him!
[09/02/24 18:00:43.387] siniStar [4/22] has challenged Dagohoy [11/27] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:02:39 is added to siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 10 in 0 days, 00:40:40.
[09/02/24 18:00:43.389] siniStar [19/22] has been set upon by a Pony [13/22] and won! 0 days, 00:04:52 is removed from siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 10 in 0 days, 00:35:48.
[09/02/24 18:19:51.313] Savage [15/38] has challenged siniStar [11/22] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:03:05 is removed from Savage's clock. Savage reaches level 11 in 0 days, 00:41:01.
[09/02/24 18:28:35.300] Agonist [35/48] has challenged siniStar [13/22] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:03:05 is removed from Agonist's clock. Agonist reaches level 11 in 0 days, 00:41:01.
[09/02/24 18:36:31.360] siniStar, AntiSocial, has attained level 10! He reaches level 11 in 0 days, 00:44:06.
[09/02/24 18:36:31.361] siniStar found a level 10 ring! His current ring was level 3, so it seems Luck is with him!
[09/02/24 18:36:31.370] siniStar [23/28] has challenged JMT [27/37] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:03:05 is added to siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 11 in 0 days, 00:47:11.
[09/02/24 18:36:31.372] siniStar [13/28] has been set upon by a Dog [23/29] and lost! 0 days, 00:04:14 is added to siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 11 in 0 days, 00:51:25.
[09/02/24 18:43:26.414] Induu [1/47] has challenged siniStar [14/28] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:03:34 is added to Induu's clock. Induu reaches level 12 in 0 days, 00:54:44.
[09/02/24 19:02:16.063] BustaFrags [14/34] has challenged siniStar [13/28] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:03:34 is removed from BustaFrags's clock. BustaFrags reaches level 12 in 0 days, 00:47:36.
[09/02/24 19:02:19.311] Styrs [21/34] has challenged siniStar [15/28] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:03:34 is removed from Styrs's clock. Styrs reaches level 12 in 0 days, 00:47:36.
[09/02/24 19:27:22.909] Rosalinnd [40/43] has challenged siniStar [23/28] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:03:34 is removed from Rosalinnd's clock. Rosalinnd reaches level 12 in 0 days, 00:47:36.
[09/02/24 19:28:11.271] siniStar, AntiSocial, has attained level 11! He reaches level 12 in 0 days, 00:51:10.
[09/02/24 19:28:11.272] siniStar found a level 15 boots! His current boots was level 5, so it seems Luck is with him!
[09/02/24 19:28:11.284] siniStar [7/37] has challenged Neomafia [21/47] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:03:34 is added to siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 12 in 0 days, 00:54:44.
[09/02/24 19:28:11.287] siniStar [27/37] has been set upon by a Baboon [19/57] and won! 0 days, 00:12:02 is removed from siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 12 in 0 days, 00:42:42.
[09/02/24 20:10:54.859] siniStar, AntiSocial, has attained level 12! He reaches level 13 in 0 days, 00:59:21.
[09/02/24 20:10:54.860] siniStar found a level 15 leggings! His current leggings was level 1, so it seems Luck is with him!
[09/02/24 20:10:54.868] siniStar [26/50] has challenged Kenshin [27/58] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:04:09 is added to siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 13 in 0 days, 01:03:30.
[09/02/24 20:10:54.869] siniStar [27/50] has been set upon by a War Horse [61/82] and lost! 0 days, 00:03:10 is added to siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 13 in 0 days, 01:06:40.
[09/02/24 20:52:44.501] zainal [51/60] has challenged siniStar [33/50] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:04:49 is removed from zainal's clock. zainal reaches level 14 in 0 days, 01:04:02.
[09/02/24 21:06:41.681] dewa [17/72] has challenged siniStar [41/50] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:04:49 is added to dewa's clock. dewa reaches level 14 in 0 days, 01:13:40.
[09/02/24 21:17:35.243] siniStar, AntiSocial, has attained level 13! He reaches level 14 in 0 days, 01:08:51.
[09/02/24 21:17:35.244] siniStar found a level 9 shield! His current shield was level 5, so it seems Luck is with him!
[09/02/24 21:17:35.255] siniStar [47/54] has challenged Lae [37/54] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:04:49 is removed from siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 14 in 0 days, 01:04:02.
[09/02/24 21:17:35.257] siniStar [51/54] has been set upon by a Fiendish Dire Rat [38/45] and won! 0 days, 00:07:41 is removed from siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 14 in 0 days, 00:56:21.
[09/02/24 22:13:57.218] siniStar, AntiSocial, has attained level 14! He reaches level 15 in 0 days, 01:19:52.
[09/02/24 22:13:57.219] siniStar found a level 13 shield! His current shield was level 9, so it seems Luck is with him!
[09/02/24 22:13:57.230] siniStar [3/64] has challenged MCB [16/43] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:05:35 is added to siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 15 in 0 days, 01:25:27.
[09/02/24 22:13:57.232] siniStar [62/64] has been set upon by a Mule [89/103] and lost! 0 days, 00:04:16 is added to siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 15 in 0 days, 01:29:43.
[09/02/24 22:39:18.383] Zulay [27/64] has challenged siniStar [47/64] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:06:29 is added to Zulay's clock. Zulay reaches level 16 in 0 days, 01:39:08.
[09/02/24 22:41:04.391] mircbIRXc [17/100] has challenged siniStar [40/64] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:06:29 is added to mircbIRXc's clock. mircbIRXc reaches level 16 in 0 days, 01:39:08.
[09/02/24 23:04:16.958] L0rd-XIRCx [55/74] has challenged siniStar [47/64] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:06:29 is removed from L0rd-XIRCx's clock. L0rd-XIRCx reaches level 16 in 0 days, 01:26:10.
[09/02/24 23:43:40.650] siniStar, AntiSocial, has attained level 15! He reaches level 16 in 0 days, 01:32:39.
[09/02/24 23:43:40.651] siniStar found a level 10 shield, but it wasn't better than his level 13 shield. He drops it on the ground.
[09/02/24 23:43:40.661] siniStar [43/64] has challenged HappySiblings [40/78] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:06:29 is removed from siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 16 in 0 days, 01:26:10.
[09/02/24 23:43:40.663] siniStar [26/64] has been set upon by a Bladeling [73/96] and lost! 0 days, 00:04:18 is added to siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 16 in 0 days, 01:30:28.
[09/03/24 00:49:31.942] Bbckl [4/86] has challenged siniStar [20/64] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:07:31 is added to Bbckl's clock. Bbckl reaches level 17 in 0 days, 01:54:59.
[09/03/24 01:14:09.324] siniStar, AntiSocial, has attained level 16! He reaches level 17 in 0 days, 01:47:28.
[09/03/24 01:14:09.325] siniStar found a level 20 amulet! His current amulet was level 8, so it seems Luck is with him!
[09/03/24 01:14:09.335] siniStar [29/75] has challenged Koach [72/84] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:07:31 is added to siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 17 in 0 days, 01:54:59.
[09/03/24 01:14:09.337] siniStar [41/75] has been set upon by a Cat [21/24] and won! 0 days, 00:08:02 is removed from siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 17 in 0 days, 01:46:57.
[09/03/24 01:14:54.331] Mrs_lime [15/88] has challenged siniStar [41/75] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:07:31 is added to Mrs_lime's clock. Mrs_lime reaches level 17 in 0 days, 01:54:59.
[09/03/24 01:18:44.108] ChatLounge (Margo, Merovingian, and sslmystic) [226/372] have team battled Dracula's court (Oracle, siniStar, and tabb) [106/219] and won! Everyone in ChatLounge gets 2% removed, and everyone in Dracula's court gets 2% added.
[09/03/24 02:53:58.987] Rosalinnd [31/88] has challenged siniStar [62/77] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:08:43 is added to Rosalinnd's clock. Rosalinnd reaches level 18 in 0 days, 02:13:23.
[09/03/24 02:54:14.933] ina_ [81/116] has challenged siniStar [71/77] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:08:43 is removed from ina_'s clock. ina_ reaches level 18 in 0 days, 01:55:57.
[09/03/24 03:03:09.716] siniStar, AntiSocial, has attained level 17! He reaches level 18 in 0 days, 02:04:40.
[09/03/24 03:03:09.717] siniStar found a level 8 charm! His current charm was level 0, so it seems Luck is with him!
[09/03/24 03:03:09.728] siniStar [18/84] has challenged MCCB [63/106] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:08:43 is added to siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 18 in 0 days, 02:13:23.
[09/03/24 03:03:09.730] siniStar [84/84] has been set upon by a Gnoll [48/78] and won! 0 days, 00:16:00 is removed from siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 18 in 0 days, 01:57:23.
[09/03/24 04:19:18.560] _Alethea_ [19/93] has challenged siniStar [50/84] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:10:07 is added to _Alethea_'s clock. _Alethea_ reaches level 19 in 0 days, 02:34:44.
[09/03/24 05:00:33.503] siniStar, AntiSocial, has attained level 18! He reaches level 19 in 0 days, 02:24:37.
[09/03/24 05:00:33.504] siniStar found a level 15 ring! His current ring was level 12, so it seems Luck is with him!
[09/03/24 05:00:33.512] siniStar [32/87] has challenged Berserker [14/111] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:10:07 is removed from siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 19 in 0 days, 02:14:30.
[09/03/24 05:00:33.514] siniStar [85/87] has been set upon by a Squid [10/99] and won! 0 days, 00:16:08 is removed from siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 19 in 0 days, 01:58:22.
[09/03/24 05:18:36.775] deXXteR [42/92] has challenged siniStar [60/87] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:10:07 is added to deXXteR's clock. deXXteR reaches level 19 in 0 days, 02:34:44.
[09/03/24 05:36:22.496] siniStar [62/87] fights with the legendary Shrek [925/1050] and lost! 0 days, 00:31:30 added to siniStar's time. siniStar reaches level 19 in 0 days, 01:54:06.
[09/03/24 06:13:21.806] brak [57/374] has challenged siniStar [77/95] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:11:44 is added to brak's clock. brak reaches level 20 in 0 days, 02:59:29.
[09/03/24 06:31:07.128] Bishop [10/133] has challenged siniStar [3/95] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:11:44 is removed from Bishop's clock. Bishop reaches level 20 in 0 days, 02:36:01.
[09/03/24 07:00:48.239] snapto [19/127] has challenged siniStar [18/95] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:11:44 is removed from snapto's clock. snapto reaches level 20 in 0 days, 02:36:01.
[09/03/24 07:20:31.390] Evolution (Evoshizu, Jyynee, and evo) [183/302] have team battled Dracula's court (Oracle, siniStar, and tabb) [226/321] and lost! Everyone in Evolution gets 1% added, and everyone in Dracula's court gets 3% removed.
[09/03/24 07:30:11.282] siniStar, AntiSocial, has attained level 19! He reaches level 20 in 0 days, 02:47:45.
[09/03/24 07:30:11.283] siniStar found a level 12 helm! His current helm was level 7, so it seems Luck is with him!
[09/03/24 07:30:11.292] siniStar [71/99] has challenged Silvanus_Betrium [33/127] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:11:44 is removed from siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 20 in 0 days, 02:36:01.
[09/03/24 07:30:11.293] siniStar [75/99] has been set upon by a Medium Shark [7/84] and won! 0 days, 00:18:43 is removed from siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 20 in 0 days, 02:17:18.
[09/03/24 07:46:00.203] siniStar [2/99] has come upon Calamay [11/140] and realized it was a bad decision! 0 days, 00:08:30 is added to siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 20 in 0 days, 02:10:02.
[09/03/24 07:57:56.491] BLUE_ICE [85/311] has challenged siniStar [1/99] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:11:44 is removed from BLUE_ICE's clock. BLUE_ICE reaches level 20 in 0 days, 02:36:01.
[09/03/24 09:56:00.132] siniStar, AntiSocial, has attained level 20! He reaches level 21 in 0 days, 03:14:36.
[09/03/24 09:56:00.132] siniStar found a level 24 tunic! His current tunic was level 0, so it seems Luck is with him!
[09/03/24 09:56:00.143] siniStar [100/121] has challenged LichKing [79/141] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:13:37 is removed from siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 21 in 0 days, 03:00:59.
[09/03/24 09:56:00.146] siniStar [55/121] has been set upon by a Mule [37/102] and won! 0 days, 00:21:43 is removed from siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 21 in 0 days, 02:39:16.
[09/03/24 10:01:00.108] EvilRuss [250/402] has challenged siniStar [107/121] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:18:19 is removed from EvilRuss's clock. EvilRuss reaches level 23 in 0 days, 04:03:32.
[09/03/24 11:00:48.577] d4n13L, evo, and Picard [187/748] have group battled Despina, Larissa, and siniStar [311/425] and lost! 0 days, 00:09:51 is added to their clocks.
[09/03/24 11:54:32.069] siniStar [68/121] fights with the legendary Cheshire Cat [32/300] and wins! 0 days, 00:10:00 removed from siniStar's time and 10 gold added. siniStar reaches level 21 in 0 days, 00:30:47.
[09/03/24 12:05:13.891] CHARL [120/209] has challenged siniStar [93/121] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:15:48 is removed from CHARL's clock. CHARL reaches level 22 in 0 days, 03:29:56.
[09/03/24 12:21:52.592] Neomafia [18/157] has challenged siniStar [7/121] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:15:48 is removed from Neomafia's clock. Neomafia reaches level 22 in 0 days, 03:29:56.
[09/03/24 12:25:16.693] siniStar, AntiSocial, has attained level 21! He reaches level 22 in 0 days, 03:45:44.
[09/03/24 12:25:16.694] siniStar found a level 20 amulet, but it wasn't better than his level 20 amulet. He drops it on the ground.
[09/03/24 12:25:16.704] siniStar [39/121] has challenged Quillaa [31/140] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:15:48 is removed from siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 22 in 0 days, 03:29:56.
[09/03/24 12:25:16.705] siniStar [111/121] has been set upon by a Hippogriff [26/182] and won! 0 days, 00:46:11 is removed from siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 22 in 0 days, 02:43:45.
[09/03/24 15:09:02.382] siniStar, AntiSocial, has attained level 22! He reaches level 23 in 0 days, 04:21:51.
[09/03/24 15:09:02.383] siniStar found a level 15 amulet, but it wasn't better than his level 20 amulet. He drops it on the ground.
[09/03/24 15:09:02.396] siniStar [58/131] has challenged Zamri46 [28/144] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:18:19 is removed from siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 23 in 0 days, 04:03:32.
[09/03/24 15:09:02.398] siniStar [57/131] has been set upon by a War Pony [54/60] and won! 0 days, 00:17:02 is removed from siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 23 in 0 days, 03:46:30.
[09/03/24 15:34:42.386] evo [148/190] has challenged siniStar [106/131] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:18:19 is removed from evo's clock. evo reaches level 23 in 0 days, 04:03:32.
[09/03/24 15:58:34.247] 0mnis (Picard, brak, and gnat) [1181/1275] have team battled Dracula's court (Oracle, siniStar, and tabb) [33/513] and won! Everyone in 0mnis gets 3% removed, and everyone in Dracula's court gets 2% added.
[09/03/24 16:24:48.882] Despina [180/206] has challenged siniStar [137/166] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:18:19 is removed from Despina's clock. Despina reaches level 23 in 0 days, 04:03:32.
[09/03/24 18:59:05.902] siniStar, AntiSocial, has attained level 23! He reaches level 24 in 0 days, 05:03:45.
[09/03/24 18:59:05.914] siniStar [92/177] has challenged thepkuz [51/175] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:21:15 is removed from siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 24 in 0 days, 04:42:30.
[09/03/24 18:59:05.916] siniStar [73/177] has been set upon by a Cheetah [75/189] and lost! 0 days, 00:25:25 is added to siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 24 in 0 days, 05:07:55.
[09/03/24 19:22:42.663] Dracula's court (Oracle, siniStar, and tabb) [569/569] have team battled Netgamers Battle Crew (Appocomaster, HRH_H_Crab, and macrocrab) [324/1001] and won! Everyone in Dracula's court gets 3% removed, and everyone in Netgamers Battle Crew gets 3% added.
[09/03/24 22:32:51.917] Senyapplak [158/238] has challenged siniStar [81/177] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:24:39 is removed from Senyapplak's clock. Senyapplak reaches level 25 in 0 days, 05:27:42.
[09/03/24 23:58:30.678] siniStar, AntiSocial, has attained level 24! He reaches level 25 in 0 days, 05:52:21.
[09/03/24 23:58:30.679] siniStar found a level 31 helm, but it wasn't better than his level 51 Sparkling Helm. He drops it on the ground.
[09/03/24 23:58:30.689] siniStar [8/177] has challenged Vinterny [127/133] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:24:39 is added to siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 25 in 0 days, 06:17:00.
[09/03/24 23:58:30.691] siniStar [10/177] has been set upon by a Shuagin [43/162] and lost! 0 days, 00:33:55 is added to siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 25 in 0 days, 06:50:55.
[09/04/24 00:00:45.354] CHARL [205/298] has challenged siniStar [94/177] to a fight and won! 0 days, 00:58:02 is removed from CHARL's clock. CHARL reaches level 25 in 0 days, 05:56:36.
[09/04/24 00:00:45.356] CHARL [78/298] has challenged siniStar [24/177] to a fight and won! 0 days, 00:49:55 is removed from CHARL's clock. CHARL reaches level 25 in 0 days, 05:06:41.
[09/04/24 00:00:45.358] CHARL [277/298] has challenged siniStar [90/177] to a fight and won! 0 days, 00:42:56 is removed from CHARL's clock. CHARL reaches level 25 in 0 days, 04:23:45.
[09/04/24 00:00:45.360] CHARL [150/298] has challenged siniStar [154/177] to a fight and lost! 0 days, 00:36:55 is added to CHARL's clock. CHARL reaches level 25 in 0 days, 05:00:40.
[09/04/24 00:00:45.362] CHARL [22/298] has challenged siniStar [169/177] to a fight and lost! 0 days, 00:42:05 is added to CHARL's clock. CHARL reaches level 25 in 0 days, 05:42:45.
[09/04/24 02:09:05.020] Merovingian [218/222] has challenged siniStar [147/177] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:24:39 is removed from Merovingian's clock. Merovingian reaches level 25 in 0 days, 05:27:42.